Creating Safe and Thriving Communities
Northern Michigan men are standing together to help create safe and thriving communities.
Men are an important part of the movement to end violence against women and children. They are role models for other men and boys and they are allies to women and girls in the important work to end domestic and sexual violence.
100 Men Campaign contributors help:
- WRCNM provide vital services to adults and children in northern Michigan who are experiencing the emotional and physical trauma of abuse and assault.
- WRCNM efforts to educate, engage and empower the community to address issues facing women and children in northern Michigan.
- Demonstrate their intention to be part of creating positive change, healing and hope in our communities.
We thank current 100 Men Campaign contributors for being role models and allies, and for taking a public stand to end gender-based violence!
Anthony Alessi
Richard Anderson
Richard Baker
Steve Barney
Ken Biddick
Neil Bidwell
Steve Biggs
George Biltz
Ward Bollinger
Gordon Bourland
Matthew Breckenfeld
Matt Britton
Shane Brown
Dean Burns
Kevin Burns
David Buzzelli
John Campbell
Cliff Carey
Greg Carpenter
Andrew Cheadle
Drew Cherven
Perry Clark
Robert Clarke
James Conboy
Hugh Conklin
Jack Crotty
David Crouse
Allen Damschroder
Steve DeCarteret
Clifford Denay Jr.
Bill Dickson
Ryan Donahoe
Bruce Dunn
Michael Durbin
Richard Eberts
Robert Essenberg
Thomas Eustice
James Fabiano
David Finley
Matthew Font
Mark Fralick
Arthur Frentz
Doug Fuller
Larry Funk
Fred Geuder
Uri B. Grannis
Lawrence Graves Jr.
Chip Hansen
Bruce Herbert
Jack Hodge
Stephen Hoffius
William Hoffman
John Holder
Mike Isermann
Roger Jacobson
Henry Jallos
Timothy Jarvi
James Jeakle
Jeffrey Joneson
John Jorgensen
Ron Kadlec
Joe Kanine
John Kenzie
Kevin King
Andrew Kiteley
Preston Kloss
Bruce Koch
Dave Kring
Jason Kromm
Frank Lamberti
Matt Laming
Bill Larsen
Fred Liederbach
Dennis Lindeman
James Linderman
John Lio
Conrad Loucks
Jeff Lowe
Eric Loyd
Herman Madison
Fred Malpass
James Malpass
David McBride
Vaughn McGraw
David Mcintosh
Matthew McLeod
David Miller
Patrick Monette
Rob Mossburg
Dan Musser
Tom Neidhamer
Alan Nutter
Larry Parrott
Roy Pulaski
Steve Radecki
Craig Rapin
Charles Rettstadt
W. Richard Smith
Christopher Sangster
Sam Sharp
Lynn Skornia
Bernie Slotnick
Carlin Smith
Scott Smith
Mark Smolinski
Ronald Snyder
Steve Spencer
Kendall Stanley
Roberta Svatora
Bill Swanson
Matt Tamm
Thomas Teske
Carl Thomas
Ben Van Dam
David Van Dam
Steve Van Dam
Tom VanDeventer
William Veling Jr.
Steven Voci
Brian Wagner
Philip Welch
John Wickett
Dan Wilcox
Tim Wilcox
Larry Willis
Floyd Wright
Alfred Wroblewski
As a vital member of our community, we invite you to join those listed above by supporting the 100 Men Campaign with your contribution of $100 or more.
Please direct donations to: 100 Men Campaign, 423 Porter St., Petoskey, MI 49770 or online.