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Create strong communities

A thriving, healthy community is one that upholds the inherent value, dignity and rights of all people. Violence against women is an impediment to sustainable development and thriving communities; it is a human rights violation and public health epidemic. Violence against women does not have to be a part of our world or communities.

under same sky quoteTreat people with kindness where ever you go in an effort to:

  • help build healthy, respectful relationships
  • show compassion for others
  • support human dignity
  • honor the rights of all people to live free from violence

⁠Recognize we all have equal value
Reflect on how many groups in our society have been marginalized and oppressed and help change that for our future.⁠

Listen to and support survivors
Help people feel that what they experienced was not their fault and was not deserved. ⁠

Start a conversation with friends, family or coworkers on the topic of sexual assault or domestic abuse
Women who are valued quoteYou will raise awareness and learn how others view these issues.⁠

Your actions create a ripple that will become a wave of change in ending violence against women.⁠


Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan

Reach us 24/7: (800) 275-1995 or (231) 347-0082