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Respect 101:  A Classroom Guide

Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan (WRCNM) developed an easy-to-use classroom toolkit for schools and educators to use with students in middle school and high school.  The toolkit includes simple, short lessons and activities addressing issues such as bullying, respect, media influences, mindfulness and  technology/digital respect.

The purpose of the toolkit is to provide options for educators to engage their students on topics of social/emotional wellbeing, as well as increase students’ feelings of connectedness to their classmates, teachers and school. Educators have the flexibility to use toolkit items in any way they think would benefit their class(es). The flexibility of the toolkit allows educators to address specific classroom issues or to introduce topics they would like to be a part of their class environment.

Toolkit items may be requested or downloaded for you to print.

Lesson plans, handouts and activities:

To request printed lesson plans, other toolkit items or for more information, contact WRCNM’s Violence Prevention Coordinator by email.