The 8th Annual Churchill Classic 5 & 10K Run raised $2200.00 for the Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan. Each year the Churchill Classic committee selects a local charity or organization to donate the proceeds of the race. To date, the event has raised over $18,000.00 for the community. The race began in 2005 after the death of former CNB President & CEO Robert Churchill who was an avid runner. The event initially started as a fun, family run but over the years has morphed into a race that will see upwards of 250 participants and now has a professionally timed finish line.
Carolyn Churchill (front, left) presents WRCNM Executive Director Jan Mancinelli with a check in the amount of $2200.00. Pictured (back from left) are committee members Nicole Drake, Sue Cleary, Nancy Lindsay, Sue Eno, Trisha Dobias & Becky Tomaski. (Missing from photo, Sue Caswell)