Can men or boys who are experiencing domestic abuse or sexual assault receive services?
Anyone impacted by domestic abuse or sexual assault may contact Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan (WRCNM) for confidential advocacy, support and counseling at no cost.
WRCNM’s Domestic Abuse Program provides services to survivors who are or have been married, dating, LGBTQ partners, two-spirited, separated, have a child in common or are living together/intimate partners. These services are available even if you are no longer in the relationship.
WRCNM’s Sexual Assault Services provide confidential support, advocacy and counseling to survivors, family members and friends of survivors. These services are available to all sexual assault survivors regardless of age or when the assault occurred.
WRCNM staff has experience and training to assist survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault.
- 24-hour help and information line: (800) 275-1995, (231) 347-0082
- Therapy, advocacy and support
- Crisis intervention counseling
- Safety planning
- Support groups
- Temporary and transitional housing
- Community education
- Information and resources
- Survivors of violent crime provided assistance in filing for Crime Victim Compensation
In-person and virtual services are available. The 24/7 line can be reached at (800) 275-1995 or (231) 347-0082.
We believe everyone has the right to a life free of violence and control.