Coaching and valuable life lessons

“A big part of the job is helping to develop solid, responsible athletes who are able to become upstanding citizens.”
– Coaching Boys into Men
How do adults other than parents shape and mold young people? Consider the influence of coaches. Winning is a priority for every coach, however, winning with integrity and fairness should also be a goal.
Sports have tremendous influence in our culture and in the lives of young people. The principles of teamwork and fair play make sports an ideal platform to teach healthy relationship skills. As influencers and role models, coaches are uniquely poised to teach and mentor healthy behavior.
As leaders themselves, athletes should be given the tools and vocabulary they need to stand up for respectful behavior and to positively influence their school’s culture.
Student athletes at Petoskey High School (PHS) are letting their voices be heard at the upcoming White Ribbon Game at PHS gymnasium. Come out to support them and let your own voice be heard at 7 p.m., January 6, 2017. Pledge to be part of the solution in ending violence against women and girls.
Coaching Boys Into Men information and resources, click here.
Request free Coaching Boys Into Men materials from the Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan and 100 Men Campaign, click here.
Learn how Kingsley High School football team is using Coaching Boys Into Men program, click here!
– Coaching Boys into Men
How do adults other than parents shape and mold young people? Consider the influence of coaches. Winning is a priority for every coach, however, winning with integrity and fairness should also be a goal.
Sports have tremendous influence in our culture and in the lives of young people. The principles of teamwork and fair play make sports an ideal platform to teach healthy relationship skills. As influencers and role models, coaches are uniquely poised to teach and mentor healthy behavior.
As leaders themselves, athletes should be given the tools and vocabulary they need to stand up for respectful behavior and to positively influence their school’s culture.

Coaching Boys Into Men information and resources, click here.
Request free Coaching Boys Into Men materials from the Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan and 100 Men Campaign, click here.
Learn how Kingsley High School football team is using Coaching Boys Into Men program, click here!