Homelessness and domestic abuse profoundly connected

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National Homelessness Awareness Week, November 16-24, provides an opportunity for people to become more aware of the complexities and contributing factors that drive homelessness. Research shows that domestic abuse and homelessness are profoundly connected with domestic abuse being the third leading cause of homelessness in America.

Consider the difficult question many survivors have when exiting an abusive relationship, “Where will I go?” The power and control dynamics related to the abuse create unique barriers for survivors. Abusers many times isolate their partner both economically and socially, significantly reducing their options. The survivor must then choose between living with an abusive partner and leaving their home to stay at a shelter or living on the streets.

Obtaining safe housing and the economic resources to maintain that safety are significant challenges for women and their children experiencing domestic abuse. In rural areas like ours, the challenges are compounded because affordable housing is scarce, transportation options are limited and supportive resources may be miles away. Survivors also face additional barriers such as a lack of employment that offers a living wage and reasonably priced healthcare and childcare. These are issues that impact the long-term stability and safety of individuals and families across the nation including northern Michigan.

Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan plays an essential role by providing survivors and their children an immediately secure, caring and supportive place to stay at the Safe Home, as well as counseling and advocacy. The Safe Home is staffed and operated 24-hours a day, 365 days a year and provides shelter, meals and all daily needs for survivors and their children at no cost.

Martin Luther King, Jr., said life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “What are you doing for others?” Here are some actions you can take to help end homelessness and domestic abuse:
  • Speak out about these critical issues.
  • Demonstrate your support by volunteering at shelters or helping to raise funds or collect needed items.
  • Use the power of social media to engage your network in awareness-raising.
  • Help others become informed by inviting Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan to speak to your organization, group, school or workplace.
  • Be a role model by practicing respectful, kind and non-violent relationships.
  • Think about ways you can change your language and behaviors in small ways that may contribute to larger changes in the way people experiencing homelessness and domestic abuse are seen and treated in our society.
To learn more, visit the National Alliance to End Homelessness (www.endhomelessness.org), Northeast Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (www.nemcah.org), Northwest Coalition Against Homelessness (www.nwmichcoc.com) or Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan (www.wrcnm.org).

For help and information about domestic abuse, call Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan’s 24-Hour Help and Information Line at (231) 347-0082 or (800) 275-1995.