Ask Us Anything

Is the Safe Home able to support the needs of all individuals?

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The Safe Home is a secure, caring and supportive place for survivors and their family members to heal from the emotional and physical pain of domestic abuse and sexual assault. The Safe Home and 24/7 helpline have always been dedicated to being as inclusive as possible to best meet the varying needs of survivors. We continue to advance that inclusion through many aspects including:

  • The addition of an accessible bedroom/washroom when remodeling the Safe Home offices in 2004
  • Emotional support animals being welcome to stay at Safe Home
  • Extending stays to dependent family members of survivors (not just minor children)
  • On-site tools such as video relay service for deaf survivors
  • Networking with homeless liaisons in the schools to provide seamless education for children staying in Safe Home
  • Growing a relationship with the Survivor Outreach Services of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians to be more culturally aware in serving indigenous survivors
  • Arranging safe transportation to the shelter from our remote rural areas including Beaver Island
  • Having resources available, including online translation tools for survivors who are non-English speaking
  • Expanding technology to meet families’ needs, including laptops for client use and smart TVs in the privacy of client bedrooms
  • Increased trainings for Safe Home/helpline staff around issues of intersectionality, social justice and anti-racism
  • Sharing multi-cultural outlooks with Safe Home residents through books/reading material and DVDs

Services are survivor-centered, non-judgmental, trauma-informed, compassionate and confidential. Daily needs of families are met through provision of everything from food and toiletries to diapers and paper products. Self-care is encouraged and valued as a wellness tool for both residents and staff.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse or sexual assault in your life, trained advocates are available 24/7 to provide support. Reach WRCNM’s 24-hour help and information line, at (231) 347-0082 or (800) 275-1995.